Calm Awareness & Buddha Brain

Reduce stress & regulate your nervous system to feel more relaxed, calm, present, and empowered--even during times of stress and overwhelm.

6 Modules to Support You

Module 1: Breathwork & Understanding the Stress Response

  • Begin exploring how your stress response functions to better understand how to regulate it. 
  • Begin using breath work and mindfulness to send signals to your brain and body to regulate how you are feeling. 
  • Activate your inner resourcing of feeling safe in your body. 
  • Start tapping on the initial resistance and blocks that are showing up as you begin your reset. 

Module 2: Unlocking your Buddha Brain - Regulating your Stress & Emotions

  • Learn how to work WITH your brain and nervous system to feel more regulated, calm, and safe in your body. 
  • Begin clearing the worry & overwhelm you carry.
  • Start regulating brain wave activity using science backed practices and activate your "Buddha Brain", the state of feeling calm, present, regulated, & connected. 
  • Discover Eco-Meditation, a science backed meditation practice to regulate brain wave activity in 5-10 minutes. 

Module 3: Unblocking Thoughts, Beliefs, Emotions, & Feelings

  • Continue exploring your mindfulness practice and note what you need to clear and release
  • Learn quick & effective 2-5 minute practices to reset your mind & body. 
  • Explore your limiting beliefs & thoughts--connecting to and clearing the emotional holding patterns being stored in your brain and body around these thoughts.
  • Start accessing your 'inner flow' state

Module 4: Activating Healthy Emotional Connections

  • Learn how you can use Five-Element Theory to explore your emotional holding patterns and bring balance.
  • Discover how emotions correspond with specific energies, pathways, organs, and tissues.
  • Explore gentle Qigong stretches, Lymphatic Self-Massage, Energy Tracing, and more.  
  • Learn specific exercises to help ease anger, frustration, grief, and loss

Module 5: Nurturing your Relationship with Self

  • Go deeper into your relationship of self and begin honoring all parts and emotions.
  • Expand and strengthen your heart energy for more compassion, acceptance, and self-love.
  • Be guided into connecting more deeply with your most empowered self/highest self.  
  • Address any fears inhibiting your energy levels.

Module 6: Integration & Self-Care Practices

  • Map out your mindfulness & self-care practices moving forward to support your journey.  
  • Learn more Integrative Practices & Polyvagal Toning Practices to reinforce your Calm Awareness and Buddha Brain state.  
  • Learn how Dance and Somatic Movement can release stress and emotional holding patterns.
  • Learn how you can honor your inner child within your self-care practices for deeper healing. 

Bonus Module: Enhancing Positive Feedback in your Environment

  • How to use sound healing to regulate brain wave activity.
  • How to use words, mantras, affirmations, and chanting to stimulate new neuron pathways. 
  • How to use positive visuals to reinforce a positive mindset and feel safe.
  • Creating an environment that is aligned with what you need to safe, regulated, joyous, grateful, inspired, and empowered. 

Bonus Module: Previous Live Recorded Calls

  • Access to all previously recorded live calls.
  • Participate in any live launches and attend any current or future live calls. 

Sneak peak into the downloadable PDF Journaling Handouts

What You Will Receive

With "FULL RESET" Access

  • 30+ Practices to Reset your Brain & Body
  • 10 Guided Meditations to Regulate Brain Wave Activity
  • 9 Tapping Videos, Scripts, Practices
  • All Bonus Content, Materials, Resources, PDF Downloads
  • Access to All Previously Recorded Calls 
  • Access to Current & Future Live Workshops

With "INTRO RESET" Access

  • 17 Practices to Reset your Brain & Body
  • 4 Guided Meditations to Regulate Brain Wave Activity
  • 4 Tapping Videos, Scripts, Practices
  • Limited Bonus Content

  • NO ACCESS to Live Calls or Previously Recorded Content!!

2024 Live Practice + Q&A Calls

  • Live Workshop #1: Intro Call w/ Breathwork + Q&A [April 13, 2024 10:00 - 11:15 AM  PST]
  • Live Workshop #2: Releasing Resistance to Slowing Down/ Self-Care + Q&A [April 20, 2024 10:00 - 11:15 AM  PST]
  • Live Workshop #3: Releasing Stress & Overwhelm + Q&A [April 27, 2024 10:00 - 11:15 AM  PST]
  • Live Workshop #4: Practice + Q&A [May 4, 2024 10:00 - 11:15 AM  PST]
  • Live Workshop #5: Tapping into Your Empowered Parts + Q&A [May 11, 2024 10:00 - 11:15 AM  PST]
  • Live Workshop #6: Celebration Gathering & Raffle Giveaways  [May 18, 2024 10:00 - 11:15 AM  PST]
  • Mindfulness and Gentle Stretching - An online weekly gathering where we check in with how we are feeling and gently release stress and emotional holding patterns using mindfulness, breathwork, qigong, and polyvagal toning practices. 

  • Tuesday's 9-9:45 AM (PST) / 12-12:45 PM (EST)
  • [April 9th, 2024 - May 14th, 2024]

Candice Brunlinger

Candice helps others learn how to reset & regulate their nervous system for a healthier mood, emotions, & mindset. We explore breathwork, mindfulness, tapping, energy psychology, and polyvagal toning practices to activate the "rest & digest" functions of our nervous systems, bringing more balance and regulation to our whole being. She supports her clients and community with managing stress and emotions as well as dissolving any resistance and blocks around self-care, self-worth, and self-acceptance.  

Her passion is guiding others into exploring their "Parts Work" and "Inner Child Healing". Witnessing the profound transformation in our state of being and relationship with self, others, and our environment when we create the space to be seen and heard for deeper healing. She helps her clients and community rewire how they think, feel, and respond to their situations, towards others, and self. She enjoys connecting others to their inner peace, self-acceptance, self-love, and empowerment. She enjoys sharing these tools with other moms, children, teens, educators, schools, and healing practitioners.

She offers classes, workshops, resources, and retreats about Tapping, Self-Care, Herbal Healing, Plant Spirit Connections, Food as Medicine/Culinary Herbalism, Fermentation, Tai Chi, Qigong, Art, and more. She enjoys being in nature, creating, painting, writing, exploring spirituality, and connecting with her son during her free time. 

Jeff Jacobson

Retired CPA

I had never done EFT tapping prior to meeting Candice and having her teach me these practices. My thoughts were it may not work and I was skeptical, to say the least. Well, I have had a tremendous response and results since working with her.

Course Pricing

Most popular

Full Access Live Reset

$222 USD

  • 6-Week Spring Reset with Community Support (Original Price $222)

    • 30+ Practices to Reset your Brain & Nervous System
    • 10 x Science Backed Guided Meditations - Regulate Brain Wave Activity &more
    • 9 x Tapping Videos/Scripts
    • 6 x Weekly Live Practice + Q&A Calls
    • Weekly Spiritual Messages & Insights to Inspire your Journey
    • Access to all Previously Recorded Calls & Recordings
    • ALL Bonus Content, Material, References, Resources
Buy Now

Intro Reset (Limited Access)

$111 USD

  • Reset your brain & nervous system at your own pace

    • 17 Practices to Reset your Nervous System
    • 4 x Science Backed Guided Meditations to Regulate Brain Wave Activity
    • 4 x Tapping Videos/Scripts
    • *Limited* Bonus Content, Material, References, Resources
Buy Now